Top row images from left to right by Nari Hong, Irina Kopyeva, Yaping Shi, Abigail Nagle. Middle left image by Wesley Fabyan. Lower row images from left to right by Kevin Jiang, Isabella Kwan, Conor Lanahan, Olivia Prado
UW Bioengineering faculty and staff have always known how talented our students are; from their research breakthroughs, contributions to the bioengineering field and commitment to the BioE community, we are continually impressed by our students.
This summer, the Bioengineering marketing and communications team asked students and postdocs to submit images of cells or other matter to possibly be included on the cover of the 2024 impact report. The person with the winning image would win $250. We had nine students/post docs submit stunning images and it was hard to pick just one.
The impact report team chose two images to be featured on the cover of the impact report. Half of the reports were printed with one image and the other half were printed with the second winning image.
Drum roll please… Our grand prize winners of the 2024 UW Bioengineering Impact Report Cover Image Award are:
Olivia Prado, Ph.D. candidate who works in the Stevens lab
Isabella Kwan, B.S. student with the Zheng lab
They both win $250.
Thank you to all who submitted images for the contest including Wesley Fabyan a student in the Stevens lab, Nari Hong, with the Yazdan lab, Kevin Jiang who works in the Yager lab, Irina Kopyeva with the DeForest lab, Conor Lanahan a member of the Sanders lab, Abigail Nagle with the Regnier and Davis labs, and Yaping Shi who works in the Wang lab.
Read about UW Bioengineering’s remarkable research, initiatives and honors in the 2023-2024 impact report.