UW Bioengineering faculty have been awarded major new grant funding by the Washington Research Foundation (WRF). Of the six UW teams awarded the grant, four are from UW Bioengineering.

These teams are tasked with developing detailed plans for projects that could significantly advance Washington state’s life-science ecosystem and improve lives. Over the next 12 to 18 months, each team will utilize their planning grant to develop a proposal for a large-scale initiative to submit to WRF and other funding agencies.

The WRF award emphasizes potential collaborations between institutions, the creation of diverse and inclusive innovation ecosystems, and exploring commercialization paths for new technologies to address unmet public needs in the region. Specifically, the grants awarded to UW Bioengineering faculty will support comprehensive planning for the following projects:

These initiatives are poised to make substantial contributions to the field of bioengineering and the broader scientific community in Washington state.