More than 200 students, faculty and staff gathered in the UW’s HUB Lyceum Room on Friday, December 5th for the annual UW BioE Holiday Party to enjoy food, beverages and communal holiday spirit. The Lyceum Room was a new venue for the party, and party organizers look forward to hosting the party in that location in the future.
A special guest attended the party – Michael Levitt, 2013 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry and the Robert W. Vivian K. Cahill Professor of Cancer Research in the Department of Structural Biology at Stanford School of Medicine. Dr. Levitt presented the December UW Walker Ames Lecture the day prior and joined UW BioE Professor Valerie Daggett to attend the party and meet students. Saying of UW Bioengineering, its faculty and students:

Michael Levitt, 2013 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
“As this was my first visit to the University of Washington Department of Bioengineering, I was struck by the ingenuity and enthusiasm of the department’s students and faculty. I was impressed with the depth and breadth of the department’s vision for its research and huge potential impact on healthcare. The practical “can do” approach of engineering combines perfectly with medicine’s need for practical solutions to difficult problems. Thus, I am sure that UW Bioengineering will flourish and continue to influence biomedical sciences. I look forward to learning more about the accomplishments of its faculty and students when I visit next.
I had a great time at the department’s holiday party, where I was warmly welcomed by students, faculty and staff.”
Eight labs participated in the party’s Bake-Off competition, many of which used their engineering skills to construct displays with lights, sound, and motion. The Lutz Lab won the Bake-Off with their “Jingling Penguin Cake”, a festive creation that was inspired by the bravery, persistence and excellent communication abilities of the penguin species. The cake represented the new Lutz’s lab pride in their work and pursuit of difficult problems for the benefit of greater societal good.
Third year year PhD student Marvin Mecwan won the Ugly Sweater Contest with his homemade sweater and glittering red “fascinator” hat.
Party attendees demonstrated their flexibility in the Candycane Limbo Contest.
Thanks to party organizers Brynn Livesay and Eric Swanson for making the party a success, as well as photographers Nile Wilson and Christian Redd for capturing great images!