Joint Associate Professor of Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering
Weyerhaeuser Endowed Professor
Phone: (206) 543-5961
Office: Benson 347
Cole DeForest
Biomolecular and Tissue Engineering
Controlled Delivery of Therapeutics to Treat Disease
Tool Development for Enhanced Proteomic Studies
Ph.D. in Chemical & Biological Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, Certificate in Molecular Biophysics, Doctoral work under Kristi Anseth, 2011
B.S.E. in Chemical Engineering (Magna Cum Laude), Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, Concentration in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Certificate in Material Science and Engineering, Certificate in Engineering Biology, 2006
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA – March 2012 – November 2013
Postdoctoral research scholar under Prof. David Tirrell, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Young Investigator Award, 2020, Society for Biomaterials
College of Engineering Junior Faculty Award, 2020, University of Washington
NAE Frontiers of Engineering Invited Participant, 2019, National Academy of Engineering
Faculty Appreciation for Career Education & Training Award, 2019, University of Washington
Emerging Investigator Award, 2019, Royal Society of Chemistry, Biomaterials Science
Early Career Award in Cancer Research, 2018, Safeway and the Cancer Consortium
35 Under 35 Award, 2017, American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Young Investigator Presentation Award, 2017, Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering GRC
Emerging Investigator Award, 2017, Royal Society of Chemistry, J. Materials Chemistry B, 2017
Young Investigator Award, Polymeric Materials: Science & Eng. Division, 2017, ACS
Early Career Development Award (CAREER), 2017, National Science Foundation
Presidential Distinguished Teaching Award, 2016, University of Washington
Jaconette L. Tietze Young Scientist Award, 2015, The John H. Tietze Foundation
Commute Champion Award, 2015, University of Washington
Presidential Distinguished Teaching Award Nominee, 2015, University of Washington
Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral Fellow (declined), 2014, National Institutes of Health
Rising Star / Student Fellow Award, 2013, Biomedical Engineering Society
DSM Polymer Technology Award, 2011, DSM and American Chemical Society
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Award, 2010, American Chemical Society
Graduate Student Research Gold Award, 2009, Materials Research Society
Molecular Biophysics Training Grant, 2007 – 2009, National Institutes of Health
Biomolecular GAANN Fellowship, 2007 – 2010, US Dept. of Education
Outstanding Student Achievement Award, 2009, Society for Biomaterials
First-Year Graduate Research Fellowship, 2006, University of Colorado
Material Science Student of the Year, 2006, Princeton University
Sigma Xi Chemical Engineering Book Award, 2006, Princeton University
Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention, 2006 & 2007, National Science Foundation
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Induction, 2005, Tau Beta Pi
Most Approachable Resident Advisor, 2005, Princeton University
Valedictorian, 2002, Boulder High School, CO
BIOEN 511: Biomaterials Seminar
Batalov, B., Stevens, K.R. & DeForest, C.A. Photopatterned Biomolecule Immobilization to Guide Three-Dimensional Cell Fate in Natural Protein-based Hydrogels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118, e2014194118 (2021).
Shadish, J.A., Strange, A.C. & DeForest, C.A. Genetically Encoded Photocleavable Linkers for Patterned Protein Release from Biomaterials. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141, 15619-15625 (2019).
Shadish, J.A., Benuska, G.M. & DeForest, C.A. Bioactive Site-Specifically Modified Proteins for 4D Patterning of Gel Biomaterials. Nature Materials, 18, 1005-1014 (2019).
Badeau, B.A., Comerford, M.P., Arakawa, C.K., Shadish, J.A. & DeForest, C.A. Engineered Modular Biomaterial Logic Gates for Environmentally Triggered Therapeutic Delivery. Nature Chemistry, 10, 251-258 (2018).
Ruskowitz, E.R. & DeForest, C.A. Photoresponsive Biomaterials for Targeted Drug Delivery and 4D Cell Culture. Nature Reviews Materials, 3, 17087 (2018).
Arakawa, C.K., Badeau, B.A., Zheng, Y. & DeForest, C.A. Multicellular Vascularized Engineered Tissues through User-Programmable Biomaterial Photodegradation. Advanced Materials, 29, 1703156 (2017).
DeForest, C.A.* & Tirrell, D.A. A Photoreversible Protein-Patterning Approach for Guiding Stem Cell Fate in Three-Dimensional Gels. Nature Materials, 14, 523-531 (2015). *Co-Corresponding Authorship
DeForest, C.A. & Anseth, K.S. Photoreversible Patterning of Biomolecules within Click-based Hydrogels. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 51, 1816-1819 (2012).
DeForest, C.A. & Anseth, K.S. Cytocompatible Click-based Hydrogels with Dynamically-Tunable Properties through Orthogonal Photoconjugation and Photocleavage Reactions. Nature Chemistry, 3, 925-931 (2011).
DeForest, C.A., Polizzotti, B.D. & Anseth, K.S. Sequential Click Reactions for Synthesizing and Patterning 3D Cell Microenvironments. Nature Materials 8, 659-664 (2009).
In the News
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