Allan Hoffman accepting Acta Biomaterialia Gold Medal
UW Bioengineering Professor Emeritus Allan Hoffman received the 2017 Acta Biomaterialia Gold Medal of the Acta Materialia on April 8 at the Society for Biomaterals annual meeting in Minneapolis, Minn. The Acta Biomaterialia Gold Medal annually recognizes demonstrated leadership in the field of biomaterials science and engineering. It rewards research that has made a significant and lasting impact on the field, or recent work of great originality. The award honors world leaders in the field whose accomplishments improve the visibility of biomaterials research within the research community and general public.
Dr. Hoffman is known is an international “ambassador for biomaterials.” He pioneered applications of temperature and pH-responsive intelligent polymers and hydrogels in the fields of drug delivery, diagnostic assays and biologically-active and non-fouling polymer surfaces. Dr. Hoffman joined the UW faculty in 1970. Learn more about Dr. Hoffman.
Dr. Hoffman is the 10th recipient of the Acta Biomaterialia Gold Medal. He is also the second UW Bioengineering faculty member to receive the award; Professor Buddy Ratner received the award in 2009. As an awardee, he received a gold medal, an inscribed certificate and a cash prize of $10,000 USD.