UW Bioengineering is proud of all our faculty, staff and students, and the many awards they earn for their work in teaching, mentoring and improving lives through bioengineering research and innovations.
Faculty Award Highlights
- 29 American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) Fellows
- 13 members of the Washington State Academy of Sciences
- 14 past and current UW CoMotion Presidential Innovation Fellows
- Six members of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
- Six AAAS Fellows
- Five National Academy of Inventors Fellows
Student Award Highlights
- 18 current National Science Foundation Fellows
- Four Fulbright Student Fellows, one Gates Cambridge Scholar, one Rhodes Scholar, one Luce Scholar, and nine Goldwater Scholars as of 2020
- 8 Levinson Emerging Scholar awards
- Multiple awards from NASA Space Grant
- Multiple awards in business plan competitions from UW Foster School of Business
- Fellowships from American Heart Association and Washington Research Foundation
- More Amgen Scholars than any other UW department; 31 since 2007
- Over 400 Mary Gates Scholarships
Featured Awards and Recognition
BioE student teams win Third Place, Big Picture, Best Health/Healthcare Idea prizes at 2016 UW Business Plan Competition
Two UW Bioengineering student-led teams won over $15,000 at the 2016 UW Business Plan Competition. The competition, which concluded May 26, provides entrepreneurial interdisciplinary student teams the opportunity to transform their ideas into compelling and [...]
Wendy Thomas and Nuttada Panpradist receive 2016 UW Undergraduate Research Mentor Awards
Wendy Thomas, UW associate professor of bioengineering, and BioE Ph.D. student Nuttada Panpradist have received 2016 UW Undergraduate Research Mentor awards. Awardees are selected from nominations made by participants in the Undergraduate Research Symposium.
UW alumnus and former faculty member Donald Baker named to Washington Life Science Hall of Fame
UW alumnus and former research professor Donald W. Baker will be inducted as an inaugural member of the Washington Life Science Hall of Fame. The honor, bestowed by Life Science Washington, recognizes pioneers who have had the greatest impact on life sciences in Washington state.
Deok-Ho Kim and Charles Murry receive 2016 ITHS Collaboration Innovation Award
UW Bioengineering Assistant Professor Deok-Ho Kim and Charles Murry have received one of three 2016 ITHS Collaboration Innovation Awards. The award encourages the development of new interdisciplinary collaborations that address critical transitions in translational research.
Wendy Thomas, Daniel Ratner receive 2016 UW College of Engineering Awards
UW Bioengineering Associate Professors Wendy Thomas and Daniel Ratner have received 2016 UW College of Engineering Awards. Dr. Thomas received the Faculty Award for Teaching and Dr. Ratner received the Dean's Award.
Abbi Helfer, Lael Wentland, Anna Blakney and Emily Krogstad receive Whitaker awards
Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program awards promote the professional development of superb leaders in biomedical engineering who will advance the profession through an international outlook.