We are proud of our students who have been honored with scholarships or fellowships for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Levinson Emerging Scholars Award
The Levinson Emerging Scholars Award supports talented and highly motivated juniors and seniors pursuing creative and advanced bioscience and related research. Three bioengineering students have received the 2023/2024 award.
Megan Fung is a senior and her mentor is Edus Warren, MD, professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology & Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology. She is a member of the Warren Lab in the Institute for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine.
Senior Joy Chen works in the Nabet Lab with Fred Hutch Cancer Center. Her mentor is Behnam Nabet, assistant professor in the Human Biology Division, Fred Hutch Cancer Center. Joy was also a recipient of the Mary Gates Research Scholarship for winter 2023.
Beau Lonnquist is a junior. His mentor is David Baker, professor of Biochemistry, adjunct professor of Bioengineering; and he is a member of the Baker Lab in the Institute of Protein Design.
Washington Research Foundation Fellowship
The Washington Research Foundation Fellowship provides support for outstanding, early-career postdoctoral scientists conducting innovative, translational research in Washington state. Three Bioengineering students were honored as 2023/2024 WRF fellows.
Jamie Yang is a senior studying Bioengineering: Data Science. Her mentor is Bioengineering Assistant Professor Patrick Boyle, and she works in the CardSS: Cardiac Systems Simulation lab.
Senior Megan van Meurs is majoring in Bioengineering and minoring in Applied Mathematics. Her mentors are Jeff Nivala, research assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science Engineering, and Nuttada Panpradist with Global Health of Women, Adolescents and Children & School of Public Health. Megan has worked in the Molecular Information Systems Lab, as well as in the Lutz lab. She was also awarded a winter 2023 Mary Gates Research Scholarship.
Dylan Scherer senior and her mentor is Drew Sellers, research associate professor of Bioengineering. She works in the Pun lab. Dylan also received the Mary Gates Research Scholarship for winter 2023.
Mary Gates Research Scholarship
Mary Gates Research Scholarships are competitive grants intended to enhance the educational experiences of undergraduate students at the UW while they are engaged in research guided by faculty. The scholarship allows students to pursue research in a variety of disciplines.
In addition to those noted above, the following Bioengineering students received the winter 2023 Mary Gates Research Scholarship.
Aditi Prabhala is a senior working in the Heart and Muscle Mechanics Lab with Bioengineering Professor Mike Regnier as her mentor.
Junior Eleanor Wu works in the Nance Lab under the guidance of her mentor Elizabeth Nance, Bioengineering associate professor.
Issac Kim is a senior. Her mentor is Bioengineering Assistant Professor Patrick Boyle and works in the CardSS: Cardiac Systems Simulation lab.
Bioengineering: Data Science senior Rachel Iritani works in the NERD Lab and her mentor is Azadeh Yazdan, Bioengineering associate professor.