Photo credit: Eric Chudler
Eric Chudler, UW Bioengineering research associate professor and executive director of the Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering, recently organized the 2017 UW Brain Awareness Week Open House. The event brought together over 700 elementary, middle and high school students to learn about the brain and neuroscience research. At the event, Dr. Chudler gave a presentation to the students, and the students participated in hands-on exhibits led by UW faculty, staff and students, including handling real brains.
The UW event recognizes the national Brain Awareness Week, which is organized by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives and the Society for Neuroscience to promote the public and personal benefits of brain research. 2017’s official Brain Awareness Week is March 13-19.
Dr. Chudler also manages the award-winning Neuroscience for Kids website