Research Associate Professor
Phone: (206) 616-6899
Office: Center for Neurotechnology, Gates Center Bldg, 3800 E Stevens Way NE
UW Bioengineering faculty Eric Chudler

Eric H. Chudler

We are investigating the neuroactive properties of medicinal herbs and plants to help treat neurological disease and helping to develop the next generation of scientists.
Neural engineering
Medicinal plants
Parkinson’s disease
Science education
We are working to develop, evaluate and disseminate a new neuroscience education resource for middle school students that focuses on the neuroactive properties of plants and herbs. The resource will be created to be culturally relevant and responsive to national and state guidelines for science standards. Research neuroscientists and classroom teachers will work collaboratively throughout the project to ensure the scientific accuracy and educational benefits of the materials.
PhD Psychology, University of Washington, 1985
MS Psychology, University of Washington, 1980
BS Psychobiology, University of California at Los Angeles, 1980
1986-1989 Postdoctoral fellow, Neurobiology National Inst. of Health, Bethesda, MD
2023 60th Annual Northwest Emmy Award, National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Seattle, WA
2017 54th Annual Northwest Regional Emmy® Award
2010 Science Prize for Online Resources in Education (SPORE), American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C.
2006 MERLOT Award for Exemplary Online Learning Resources, Rohnert Park, CA
2006 Career Achievement Award, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience, Slippery Rock, PA
2004 Scientific American, Science & Technology Web Award, New York, NY
2003 Science Educator Award, Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC
2002 B. Raymond Fink Research Award, Department of Anesthesiology, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA
2002 Education Award, Association of Neuroscience Departments and Programs, Bethesda, MD
2002 MERLOT Award for Exemplary Online Learning Resources, Rohnert Park, CA
1979-1980 President’s Undergraduate Fellowship, University of California, Los Angeles, CA

Chudler, E.H. Neuropedia, Princeton (NJ): Princeton University Press, 2022, pp. 176.

Bellman, S. and Chudler, E.H. Parents can play a critical role for neurodivergent students transitioning to college, The MindBrainEd Think Tanks: Learning How to Embrace Neurodiversity in the Language Classroom, 10:42-47, 2024.

Bergsman, K.C. and Chudler, E.H. Adapting a neural engineering summer camp for high school students to a fully online experience. Biomedical Engineering Education, 2020,

 Angerer, T.B., Chakravarty, N., Taylor, M.J., Graham, D.J., Chudler, E.H. and Gamble, L.J. Insights into the histology of Planarian flatworm Phagocata gracilis based on intact lipid information provided by GCIB-ToF-SIMS imaging.  BBA – Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1864:733-743, 2019.

Bellman, S., Burgstahler, S. and Chudler, E.H. Broadening participation by including more individuals with disabilities in STEM: Promising practices from an engineering research center. American Behavioral Scientist, Article first published online: April 16, 2018,

Gamble, L., Angerer, T., Graham, D. and Chudler, E. Surface characterization of biologically related systems with imaging TOF-SIMS and complementary techniques. Microscopy & Microanalysis, 24(S1): 1018-1019, 2018.

Chudler, E.H., Straus, K.M., Orlina, E.C. and Smith, V.S. Sowing the seeds of neuroscience middle school curriculum program: Learning about the nervous system using medicinal plants. J. STEM Outreach, October, 2018.

Chudler, E.H. and Johnson, L.A. Brain Bytes: Quick Answers to Quirky Questions About the Brain, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2017, pp. 311.

Straus, K.M. and Chudler, E.H. Botanical heart throbs: Heart rate in blackworms, Science Scope, 39:26-31, 2015.

Chudler, E.H. and Bergsman, K.C. Brains–Computers–Machines: Neural engineering in science classrooms, CBE Life Sci Educ, March 1, 2016 15:fe1; doi:10.1187/cbe.15-11-0242.

Moritz, C.T., Ruther, P., Goering, S., Stett, A., Burgard, W., Ball, T., Chudler, E.H. and Rao, R.P.N. New perspectives on neuroengineering and neurotechnologies: NSF-DFG workshop report, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 63:1354-1367, 2016.

Straus, K.M. and Chudler, E.H. Online teaching resources about medicinal plants and ethnobotany, CBE-Life Science Education, December 1, 2016, 15:fe910.1187/cbe.16-06-0190

Chudler, E.H. and Bergsman, K.C. Explain the Brain: Web Sites to Help Scientists Teach Neuroscience to the General Public. CBE-Life Science Education, 13: 577-583, 2014.

Chudler, E.H. The Little Book of Neuroscience Haiku, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2013, pp. 231.

Borsook, D., Upadhyay, J., Chudler, E.H. and Becerra, L. A key role of the basal ganglia in pain and analgesia: Insights gained through human functional imaging. Molecular Pain, 6:27, doi:10.1186/1744-8069-6-27, 2010.

Chudler, E.H. Neuroscience for Kids: Resources for everyone interested in the brain. Science, 328: 1648-1649, 2010.

Chudler, E.H. and Ratner, B.D. The UWEB REU program: Inspiring the next generation of biomaterial scientists. Biomaterials Forum, 32:13, 2010.

Chudler, E.H. and Lu, Y. Behavioral responses to chemical, thermal and mechanical stimulation after unilateral, intrastriatal administration of 6-hydroxydopamine. Brain Research, 1213:41-47, 2008.

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