Optical coherence tomography based microangiography provides an ability to longitudinally image arteriogenesis in vivo
The researchers demonstrate that optical coherence tomography (OCT)-based microangiography (OMAG) is a promising imaging tool for longitudinal study of collateral vessel remodeling in small animals, and can be applied in guiding the in-vivo experiments of arteriogenesis stimulation to treat occlusive vascular diseases, including stroke.
Facile fabrication of tissue-engineered constructs using nanopatterned cell sheets and magnetic levitation
The researchers describe a novel method for fabricating scaffold-free tissue-engineered constructs using thermoresponsive nanofabricated substrates (TNFS) and magnetic levitation.
Acoustic micro-tapping for non-contact 4D imaging of tissue elasticity
The researchers demonstrate acoustic micro-tapping – the use of focused ultrasound propagating in air to generate transient mechanical waves – as a non-invasive approach to dynamic elastography for mapping the elasticity of biological tissue without any physical contact. They propose to use it with 4-D phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography to create a tool for ophthalmology, dermatology and other applications where direct contact with the tissue being studied may be undesirable.
Runx2 deletion in smooth muscle cells inhibits vascular osteochondrogenesis and calcification but not atherosclerotic lesion formation
The researchers investigate the importance of Runx2 (runt-related transcription factor-2) in turning vascular smooth muscle cells into bone and cartilage cells, contributing to arterial intimal calcification, a condition implicated in atherosclerosis and may contribute to heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular events.
A rapid, instrument-free, sample-to-result nucleic acid amplification test
The researchers demonstrate a prototype of MAD NAAT, the first fully integrated, sample-to-result diagnostic platform for performing nucleic acid amplification texts that require no permanent instrument or manual sample processing.
Microvascular Injury and Perfusion Changes Induced by Ultrasound and Microbubbles in a Machine-Perfused Pig Liver
The researchers combined ex vivo machine-perfused pig livers with an image-guided therapy system to investigate applications of ultrasound-driven microbubbles to enhance drug delivery, and demonstrate a versatile, physiologically relevant platform for pre-clinical research.