Research Associate Professor Lara Gamble has been elected to the AVS Board of Directors for 2017-18.

AVS (American Vacuum Society) is an international community of scientists, engineers and instrument manufacturers which strives to promote research and communicate knowledge in the important areas of surface, interface, vacuum and thin film science/technology for the advancement of humankind.

Dr. Gamble’s research aims to develop novel biomedical surface analysis tools and methodology for advancing our understanding of diagnostic devices and biological materials. Learn more about Dr. Gamble.

She also associate director UW’s National ESCA and Surface Analysis Center for Biomedical Problems (NESAC/BIO). Active since 1983, the NIH-funded NESAC/BIO center ( advances state-of-the-art methods for surface analysis in biology and medicine through a combination of developments in new instrumentation, experimental techniques and data analysis methods.