• smart magnetic nanoparticles

UW Bioengineering eNews – Spring 2015

UW Bioengineering eNews Spring 2015 features the latest on the Department of Bioengineering's advances in bioengineering research and education, as well as recognizes awards and honors received by our students and faculty.

  • Averkiou ultrasound mediated drug delivery

Fall/Winter 2014 UW Bioengineering eNews

In this issue: Chair's Welcome  - Features - Bioengineers in the News - Awards & Honors - Events Chair's Welcome Dear Alumni and Friends, Greetings from the University of Washington Department of Bioengineering. I'm pleased [...]

  • Dissolving fabric may offer fast, potent anti-HIV protection

Fall 2014 UW Bioengineering eNews for Peers

Welcome to the Fall 2014 issue of UW Bioengineering e-News for Peers In this issue: News Briefs 2013-14 Faculty Awards and Highlights Dear Friends and Colleagues, At the start of a new academic year, it [...]

  • Image of retina vessels

Spring 2014 UW Bioengineering eNews

In this issue:  Chair's Letter - Note to Graduates - Features - News Briefs - In the Media - Events Dear Alumni and Friends, With a sense of pride, we say farewell to the graduating [...]