ASE appointment and pay rate information

Academic student positions are covered by the contract between the UW and the United Auto Workers (UAW). For all other student employment positions, UW Compensation establishes compensation requirements in accordance with University policy and as described on UW HR’s Student Employees web page. Student employees must be paid at least the Washington State minimum wage, noted as “base” in the table below.

ASE pay rate table

The following pay rates apply to hourly academic student employee positions within the Department of Bioengineering. The College of Engineering and other departments may employ students with different job titles and at different pay rates.

Title/Pay Classification Occupation Code Minimum Hourly Rate Job Duties Standard Qualifications
Student Assistant 10875 $20.76 General student employment performing a variety of support tasks. Does not perform research or teaching support. Undergraduate
Student Assistant – Grad 10889 $20.76 General student employment performing a variety of support tasks. Does not perform research or teaching support. Graduate
Details of this job above (student assistant and student assistant-grad): General student employment performing a variety of support tasks. Both undergraduate and graduate students can be appointed to this job class code.
Reader/Grader 10886 $21.57/hr Provides diverse services as course assistants, normally including grading student papers and examinations. Duties may also include attendance at lectures, office hours, consultation with instructors, and other duties as assigned. They may not perform teaching duties. Paid within the hourly range. Undergraduate or Graduate Student
Tutor 10887 $21.57/hr Tutors provide individual or group instructional activities in support of regular academic programs. Under supervision, duties may include individual tutoring sessions, group tutoring sessions, helping with workshops, and other duties as assigned. Tutors may not perform teaching duties. Paid within the hourly range. Undergraduate or Graduate Student
UG Teaching Assistant 10868 $21.57/hr Provides administrative support for quiz, discussion, or lab sections and serves as class assistants. Faculty or other academic personnel should provide appropriate guidance and feedback, particularly in cases where Undergraduate Teaching Assistants are filling new roles and engaging in activities that are new to them. May not perform teaching duties. Paid within the hourly range. Undergraduate Student
UG Research Assistant 10869 $21.57/hr Engage in research on sponsored research projects under the direct guidance and supervision of faculty or other research staff. Undergraduate Student
Research Assistant 10847 $3917/month * Works on research projects, does not involve teaching component. Graduate student
Teaching Assistant 10817 $3,917/month * Works with students in a classroom, lab, or quiz section setting. Graduate Student
Graduate Research Student Assistant (GRSA) -summer only 10854 Hourly Rate of Pay & cannot be enrolled in Credits/ Works on research in the summer quarter only.

* – This rate is based on 50% FTE / 19.5 hours per week.