UW Bioengineering Celebrates Women’s History Month
The BioE community nominated female faculty and staff who stand out as leaders, advocates and mentors.
The BioE community nominated female faculty and staff who stand out as leaders, advocates and mentors.
Congratulations to Bioengineering Professor Kim Woodrow for receiving the Partners in Safety award from [...]
Honor represents top two percent of medical and biological engineers.
Three UW Bioengineering core faculty members are being honored by the 2020 Faculty Appreciation for Career Education & Training (FACET) Awards program for positively impacting their students' career and professional development.
The 2016 UW Bioengineering Summer Camp in Global Health concluded on Friday, July 22. The [...]
UW Bioengineering Assistant Professor Kim Woodrow has been selected to present a UW Medicine 2015 New Investigator Lecture, part of the Science in Medicine Lecture Series. Dr. Woodrow will present her talk on Wednesday, October 28, 1-2 p.m. at Health Sciences Building's Turner Auditorium (D-209).
Kim Woodrow, assistant professor of bioengineering, has received a 2015 UW Undergraduate Research Mentor Award. This award recognizes her commitment to guiding undergraduates to achieve success as research scholars.
No product currently on the market allows women to initiate both HIV prevention and contraception. Renuka and collaborators from the Woodrow lab seek to change this with Empreva, an innovative drug delivery platform that empowers women to take control of their own health.
Anti-HIV materials being developed by the Woodrow group could be integrated into a dissolvable, "tampon"-like product that is both easy for women to use and also effective, reports the Huffington Post.
UW Bioengineering Assistant Professor Dr. Kim Woodrow led a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation youth educational outreach event on July 23, which exposed 6th to 8th graders to a college campus and laboratory and led participants in inquiry-based learning activities about STEM applications for pediatric HIV.
Bioengineers in Dr. Woodrow’s lab have discovered a faster way to deliver a topical drug that can protect women from contracting HIV. The researchers created a fiber material embedded with the drug through a process called electrospinning that quickly dissolves and releases a potent antiretroviral drug, maraviroc, when it comes into contact with moisture.
UW Bioengineering Summer Camp 2014 wraps up, teaching 24 high school students about the field of bioengineering and and the field's solutions for global health problems.
UW Bioengineering Ph.D. student, Cameron Ball, and Assistant Professor Kim Woodrow, demonstrate the potential of a new type of product that may help women protect themselves against sexual HIV transmission. Their research, published online ahead of print in the journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (AAC) of the American Society for Microbiology, shows the ability of water-soluble electrospun fiber material to rapidly release maraviroc, an antiretroviral drug. The researchers suggest that their material offers advantages over other anti-HIV microbicides currently in development.
UW Bioengineering graduate student Anna Blakney receives 2014 GROW with USAID fellowship to study in South Africa. Anna, currently researching in Kim Woodrow's lab, will spend 6 months at University of Cape Town investigating the timing of the BCG vaccine and HIV acquisition from an immunological perspective.
Hunter Bennett, has been awarded the College of Engineering Dean’s Medal for Academic Excellence for 2014. This honor reflects Hunter's hard work, leadership, and tremendous contributions to the Department of Bioengineering during his time here. Congratulations, Hunter!
Seattle hosted the 2013 BMES Annual Meeting, and UW Bioengineering student, faculty and staff volunteers were present in force to welcome, engage and educate over 4,000 conference attendees.
UW Bioengineering assistant professor Dr. Kim Woodrow's was named on this list, compiled by Newsweek/The [...]
UW Bioengineering assistant professor Dr. Kim Woodrow is leading efforts to develop a versatile [...]
UW Bioengineering assistant professor Dr. Kim Woodrow has been selected as a recipient of a [...]