In addition to our core degree programs, UW Bioengineering also offers a variety of cross-campus programs tailored to satisfy specific interests.

Bioengineering Cardiovascular Training Grant (BCTG)

The Bioengineering Cardiovascular Training Grant (BCTG) is a National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training Grant of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB).

The BCTG program pro­vides an oppor­tu­nity for predoctoral trainees inter­ested in car­dio­vas­cu­lar sci­ence and engi­neer­ing to receive train­ing sup­port for their research under the guid­ance of excel­lent men­tors. The pro­gram will simul­ta­ne­ously enrich the trainee’s research and strengthen the future of cardiovascular-related research and tech­nol­ogy devel­op­ment in the United States.

Par­tic­i­pat­ing depart­ments include Bio­engi­neer­ing, Biology, Mechan­i­cal Engi­neer­ing, Pathol­ogy, and Phys­i­ol­ogy & Bio­physics. Predoctoral trainees are eli­gi­ble after being accepted into a lab­o­ra­tory and sup­ported by the fac­ulty men­tor for at least one quar­ter.

Learn more about the BCTG program


The Department of Bioengineering participates in the M.D./Ph.D. program, administered by the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP). Students who wish to follow this path should complete a combined application through MSTP.

MSTP students start their Ph.D. work with a lab rotation during the summer immediately prior to starting medical school. In September they enter medical school with their class.

During the second summer students do another lab rotation (Ph.D. credit), then proceed to the second year of medical school. At the end of the second year, students take Part 1 of the National Board Exams. That summer students can either do a third lab rotation or enter into the graduate program. After completing their Ph.D. coursework, students return to the final two years of medical school (clinical rotations).

Learn more about the Medical Scientist Training Program

Interdisciplinary Program in Biological Physics, Structure, and Design (BPSD)

The Department of Bioengineering participates in the BPSD program, administered by the Department of Biochemistry. Students apply directly to the program via the Graduate School admissions application, and when admitted begin work with a selected PI, eventually earning a Ph.D. degree in the PI’s home department.

This cross-disciplinary program focuses on the study of how the basic molecular components that provide the building blocks of biological systems work: their structure, the relationship between structure and function, and rules that permit the design of novel macromolecules.

Learn More about the Interdisciplinary Program in Biological Physics, Structure, and Design (BPSD)

Program for Technology Commercialization

The Program in Technology Commercialization (PTC) is a partnership between the College of Engineering, the Department of Bioengineering, the Foster School of Business, the Law School and the UW Center for Commercialization.

The PTC is a three-course sequence designed to teach junior and senior undergraduates and graduate students the skills necessary to take a new technology or invention and protect it, analyze its potential, sell the idea to prospective licensees, senior management or investors, and get the product to market. Students will learn business, legal and other skills useful to their future careers in academia or industry.

The program’s primary goals are to create a better-trained technological workforce, to encourage new businesses in the region, and to facilitate technology commercialization developed at UW and partner institutions.

Technology Entrepreneurship Certificate

Based in the Foster School of Business, the Technology Entrepreneurship Certificate prepares UW graduate and PhD students for the world of start-ups and new technology enterprises. An emphasis on cross-campus involvement allows Bioengineering graduate students to take entrepreneurship courses alongside students from other disciplines, work with M.B.A. students on launching market-ready applications, and have the opportunity to apply for fellowships in UW technology ventures or local angel funds. Certificate students, whose disciplines range from engineering and architecture to drama and medicine, take classes, gain real-world experience and network with the region’s most innovative entrepreneurs.

Learn More about the Technology Entrepreneurship Certificate

Basic Bioscience Certificate Program

In this four-course certificate program, we’ll investigate the foundational science behind drug development and learn about biopharma’s latest advancements. You’ll examine organisms’ fundamental molecular and cellular processes and study disease processes that allow diseases to develop. Finally, we focus on drug development from discovery & design to filing with regulatory agencies (FDA, EMA) for approval of new treatments and devices.

Learn more about the Basic Biosciences Certificate Program