Two BioE undergrads receive Population Health Recognition Awards
Sophomore Fang-Hua (Flora) Hu and senior Rachel Shi win honors.
Sophomore Fang-Hua (Flora) Hu and senior Rachel Shi win honors.
Faculty honored for their positive influence on student career development.
Molly Mollica, Joey Liang and Suchitra Gopal: improving accessibility, equity.
Ph.D. student Alexander Yan (Yager lab) and senior Isiac Orr.
The sophomore is also a volunteer ambassador with HuskyADAPT.
Honor rare in early career; represents top two percent bioengineers
Dr. Allbritton honored Oct. 7 in Orlando, Fla.
Kelly Stevens to provide new perspectives to National Academies.
Ph.D. student will study immune cell dynamics in cancer.
VanBenschoten studying how COVID has affected reproductive, sexual health services.
Congratulations to Chelsea Gibbs, Nicole Gregorio, Samantha Koplik, Susana Simmonds!
Congratulations to the winners and nominees!
Coveted honor recognizes two exceptional UW Engineering students.
Lauren Holbrook, Jolie Phan and Nadia Siddiqui exemplify Husky Experience.
Congratulations to Nancy Allbritton on this premier recognition!
Clinton Heinze, Trey Pichon, Olivia Prado are 2020 NSF Fellows.
Device improves disease testing along with health access and disparities.
Honor represents top two percent of medical and biological engineers.
A team of UW bioengineering and mechanical engineering undergraduates won second place overall – and took home a $15,000 prize – at the National Institutes of Health’s 9th annual Design by Biomedical Undergraduate Teams (DEBUT) challenge.
Biomaterials expert Buddy Ratner, joint professor in UW Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering, will receive the 2021 Bioelastomer Award
UW bioengineer Buddy Ratner and his collaborators at Seattle’s Center for Dialysis Innovation (CDI) captured one of six prizes in a national contest to develop new solutions for dialysis care.
In an unprecedented year, UW Bioengineering celebrates achievements in research, education and outreach. Our department is known for our culture of openness and collaboration. Let’s continue to build on that to create a more equitable, inclusive and compassionate community together.
Favour Orji, a UW senior working on a dual degree in bioengineering and sociology, has received the highly competitive Gilman International Scholarship to study abroad.
UW Bioengineering alumna Jane Grande-Allen (Ph.D. ’98) has received the UW College of Engineering’s 2020 Diamond Award for Distinguished Achievement in Academia.
Two bioengineering students were part of a team that finished in the top three of Microsoft’s 2020 Imagine Cup, a global technology competition for student developers.
UW Bioengineering undergraduates Sarah Slack and Vidhi Singh, and Ph.D. student Hannah VanBenschoten, were awarded Fulbright U.S. Student Program scholarships for the 2020-21 academic year.
UW Bioengineering Senior Lecturer Alyssa Taylor has received a 2020 UW Distinguished Teaching Award, which recognizes UW faculty for outstanding dedication and innovations in teaching, mentoring and service to others.
UW Bioengineering senior Parker Ruth is one of three students from the University of Washington and among 396 nationwide to be named Goldwater Scholars for 2020.
The UW recognized seven students from the Department of Bioengineering for the 2020 Husky 100, an honor awarded to extraordinary juniors, seniors and graduate students who are making meaningful contributions at the University of Washington and beyond. Undergraduates Anna Craig, Sofia Jepson, Amanda An Nguyen, Parker Ruth, Vidhi Singh and Eric Yang, and Ph.D. student Trey Pichon Students are among 100 students selected.
Three UW Bioengineering core faculty members are being honored by the 2020 Faculty Appreciation for Career Education & Training (FACET) Awards program for positively impacting their students' career and professional development.
Nanodropper, a company co-founded by University of Washington Bioengineering alumna Mackenzie Andrews, MS ’19, has completed this year’s Jones + Foster Accelerator program and received $25,000 in seed funding.
A team from UW Bioengineering took home the second place prize at the 2020 Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge (HIC) March 5 on the UW Seattle campus. Concentric, a team of students in the Master’s of Applied Bioengineering program, won for their low-cost, portable screening device for corneal disease.
UW Bioengineering graduate student Alyssa Schul took home the $1,000 Premera Grand Prize at UW’s 2020 Science and Technology Showcase Jan. 29. A
University of Washington bioengineers have won two awards from the Society for Biomaterials and will receive the honors in May 2020. The NESAC/Bio team of Buddy Ratner, David Castner and Lara Gamble have won the 2020 Technology Innovation and Development Award, and Cole DeForest won the 2020 Young Investigators Award.
UW Bioengineering alumnus Wayne Gombotz (M.S. ’85, Ph.D. ’88) has received the College of Engineering’s 2019 Diamond Award for Distinguished Achievement in Industry. Dr. Gombotz's work has provided the basis of many drug delivery strategies in use and development today; multiple successful therapeutic products and processes to treat cancer, infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases; and it spurred the development of the biotechnology industry in Seattle.
The UW recognized six students from the Department of Bioengineering for the 2019 Husky 100, an honor awarded to extraordinary juniors, seniors and graduate students who are making the most of their education at UW.
The study, compiled by the Center for World-Class Universities of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ranked more than 4,000 universities in 52 subjects across engineering, and the natural, life, medical and social sciences.
Photo: 2018 UW Business Plan Competition Grand Prize winners A-Alpha Bio. Courtesy of UW Foster School [...]
The Schmidt Science Fellows postdoctoral program aims to expand the horizons of the next generation of leaders and innovators in the natural sciences, engineering, mathematics and computing. It promotes the development of interdisciplinary researchers who can drive world-changing advances in science and society.
David Castner is recognized for his outstanding scientific achievements and contributions to the study, analysis and understanding of biological and biomedical interfaces.
UW Bioengineering Senior Lecturer Alyssa Taylor received the 2017 Award for Excellence in Science Education from the Seattle Association for Women in Science (AWIS) June 6 at a banquet in Seattle.
Molly Mollica, a Ph.D. student in the UW Bioengineering department, was one of three UW students to win funding from the Husky Seed Fund for 2017-2018. She will use the funds for her Husky ADAPT project, which adapts toys for children with disabilities.
Zheng Li, a UW Bioengineering doctoral student, won the “People’s Choice Award” in the UW’s first-ever Three-Minute Thesis competition May 15.
UW Bioengineering’s Eric Chudler and his UW team won a 2017 Northwest Regional Emmy Award for the program, “BrainWorks: Exercise and the Brain.”
Two UW Bioengineering-affiliated teams won prizes at the 2017 UW Business Plan Competition May 25, including Best Innovation/Technology Idea Prize for A-Alpha Bio.
UW Bioengineering faculty Valerie Daggett, Wendy Thomas, Rong Tian and Chun Yuan were inducted to the AIMBE College of Fellows Class of 2017. 29 BioE core and adjunct faculty are AIMBE Fellows, and this year's class is the largest inducted in the department's history.
The Bioengineers without Borders (BWB) Anesthesia Device team won the $10,000 Herbert B. Jones second place prize at the 2017 Holloman Health Innovation Challenge (HIC), held by the UW Foster School of Business Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship
Dr. Kelly Stevens, an assistant professor in UW Bioengineering and in Pathology, has received a 2016 National institutes of Health (NIH) Director’s New Innovator Award in support of her work to build artificial human tissues from stem cells, and to remotely control these tissues after implantation in a patient.
Nuttada is developing OLA-SIMPLE, which aims to be the first instrument-free device that emulates the diagnostic capabilities of laboratory testing to provide a rapid visual readout of HIV diagnosis, viral load and drug resistance at the point of care.
This award recognizes Dr. Stevens' efforts to address the clinical challenge of liver disease by building an artificial engineered liver using pluriopotent stem cells.